God ❤’️s Idiots and Plagiarism.

Intelligent free-thinkers not welcome — usher closed minds to the front.

David Cousins
6 min readJul 22, 2019

Religion put a smile on my face today. Not the usual type of smile where I shake my head in disbelief and wonder how our species ever survived the discovery of fire. Wellllllll okay, It was one of those smiles, but I’ve learned to take what I can get.

I searched for pictures of the bible on Unsplash because I needed a few photos to be used in intelligent articles instead of myths and ridiculous fairy tales, and I was blessed with this gem of a coincidence.

Screenshot of a search for photos of the bible on unsplash that resulted in 666 results.

Now, I don’t subscribe to any genuine link between the number 666 and any religious nonsense because numbers are supported by logic, and the bible is void of logic entirely. BUT that doesn’t mean it doesn’t put a smile on my face when the universe fills a proverbial paper bag with dog shit and leaves it ablaze on religion’s front porch to be stomped out by someone who is forced to rationalize why God or Jesus or the entire holy parlor trick triple-treat didn’t merely change the number, or show up to me with a backdrop of fire and doom as proof of the punishment that awaits non-believers to ensure a renewed and steady stream of followers and to prevent the drop in perceived power… because it makes me gitty as fuck.

Earlier I saw a post titled “Jesus, He’s a Radical” to which I replied:

Jesus was also imaginary and his story is a direct plagiarism of many of the mythological solar messiahs that came before him. His stories were falsely crafted into “true stories” during the Council of Nicaea, presided over by Roman emperor Constantine I, in 325 AD, in an attempt (and a successful one I might add) to craft a religious icon into a tool of political and social control.

I do agree with the question you ask. And I believe that there are no political figures that claim to be Christians that would ultimately measure up. The biblical stories should be viewed only as a moral guide if anything. Giving weight to the nonsense that is sprinkled throughout the scriptures, the nonsense places the believer at an intellectual disadvantage.

➥ A guy lives inside a whale for three days — nonsense — There are two types of whales, those who have teeth and consume sizable prey, toothed whales, (ie sperm whale) and those without teeth, baleen whales, (ie blue whales). In the case of toothed whales, most don’t have an esophagus large enough to swallow a human whole. Therefore, Jonah would have had to have been chewed and crushed. In the case of Baleen whales, the largest of which is the blue whale, the esophagus is only a few inches wide, so swallowing a live, grown human is impossible. But say you dodge the teeth of a sperm whale, which is probably your only shot of finding a whale with an esophagus large enough for you to pass through, and you make it to the multi-stomached digestive system, you are going to be digested and broken down by stomach acids. And I hope that Jesus gave you the ability to hold your breath for the allotted time because if you encounter any gas to inhale at all while you are on your gastronomical adventures, it will likely only be methane. So, Jonah living in a whale for three days is a complete lie.

➥ A flood covered all land (even the highest mountain) — nonsense — There isn’t enough water on the planet to bring the sea levels above the altitude of Mount Everest and many other mountains, even with the improbability of every piece of ice melting. I won’t ramble on about the obvious issues with lack of logic in that story.

➥ People didn’t gather 2 of each animal from every place on earth and parade them onto a boat… not to mention a male and female of each… not to mention avoiding the accidental gathering of homosexual animals to ensure breeding…. and on and on and on… absolutely stupid!!

So, not only is anyone who believes these and the countless other biblical falsities proving themselves to be completely unintelligent, but willingly force-feeding this type of absurdity to children is immoral and only weakens our species.

We have a justice system that is based on this exact level of nonsense. A mother kills her children and says the devil told her to do it, she receives a life sentence or death sentence. If she instead says Jesus told her to do it, she will likely be placed in a mental institution. I think all the people that actually believe that jesus or any other insult to intellect has spoken to them should be locked away for being delusional or should be given clinical tests to figure out why they choose to blatantly lie.

My thoughts on religion — pretty obvious.

Do you know the difference between God and Doctors?

Doctors can actually perform miracles and save lives. — Ba Dum Chhhhhhh

I don’t think it takes much effort to see that I don’t think much of religion. I feel like there is a huge issue in the world. When will people open their eyes and realize that organized religion was invented as a form of control and profit?

There is no convincing the victims of this fraud or that they have even been taken advantage. They want to stay blind and believe things that only weaken them. Continuing to accept all of the nonsense is only weakening us as a species.

Freedom of religion is also freedom from it. Yet, people bitch and moan about kids not praying in school. I say good! And I also feel that anyone that believes in any deity shouldn’t be allowed to teach science or anything that disproves their faith. If someone doesn’t believe specific aspects of a subject, are they going to explain it in a way to ensure the students fully understand and like it? Nope.

I’m Sorry Miss Jackson, Jesus’s Fauxreal

Krishna, Odysseus, Romulus, Dionysus, Hercules, Glycon, Zarathustra, Attis of Phrygia, Horus, and even Buddha had lives that contained many of the same details as the so-called original story of Jesus (Hey, Zeus!).

Horus of the Egyptian religion from 3,000 BC is by far the closest story. In fact, it almost mirrors Christianity exactly. From the virgin birth to being crucified to the 3-day death and resurrection, these are only small similarities. If you want to compare anything, Break down the similarities between the Egyptian religion of that time and Christianity. Stories of Moses are plagiarisms too.

Why does it matter if people believe in a god?

When we knowledgeably look at the world without being hindered by religious myths we were force-fed as children, we see how many delusional people there are walking around.

When people talk to imaginary people, they are delusional. Point blank. If you told your doctor that you asked a homeless man named Jim Bob Doolie to help you find your keys, they would probably just say, “Ok….?” But if you say he died many years ago, and now he’s invisible and tells me how to live like a good person, they will probably help you make an appointment with one colleague that specializes in schizophrenia.

But if you were to say, “Oh, that’s just what I call my Jesus.” They might think you are weird, but it would still be okay. Now, why is that? Why is it alright for you to talk to one imaginary person and not another? The truth is that more and more people are opening their eyes and realizing that what we were taught as kids is complete bullshit.



David Cousins

Sometimes, the best way to help someone is to do nothing, at all. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. But starve him, and he’ll learn on his own.